Cloud based Test Execution

Note: Test Configuration not required for Local Browser execution using GTP Recorder Extension.

  1. Login as Test Engineer.

  2. Select the required project from the drop-down list.

  3. Navigate to the Test page. Double click on Test Name or click Eye icon to Navigate to Manage test page.

  1. Click the Run Button.

  1. Click on the 'Cloud Execution' option from the drop-down list.

  1. Check the Project configuration and If user needs to add more Environments then click Add Environment button, select the Platform, Browser and Browser version (Both Desktop & Mobile). 

  1. Click on Submit button ,The Execution will be started on cloud server

  1. To Track the Execution status, click Executions. Under status column, user can view the Execution status.

  1. Once the execution has been started user can be able to view live execution by click on view Report icon.

  1. During Cloud Execution user can be able to view the test step status either it is passed or failed.