Send automated test scripts execution results to Xray

Users should be able to send the automated test scripts execution results to Xray for the test cases created in Xray - Jira for the Application under Test.

  1. Login as a Manager/Engineer.

  2. Navigate to the Project Settings page from the main menu.

  3. Click on the Xray Integration tab.

  4. Enter the needed inputs for the following fields: Jira URL, Jira Username, Jira API Token, Xray Client ID, and Xray Client Secret.

  5. Click on the Connect button.

  6. Next, the user must select the Jira project and GTP Project for project mapping.

  7. Navigate to the Tests page and Add New Test.

  8. Record a scenario and map the 'Jira key' against the script created for that test case.

  9. Execute the Test by clicking on Cloud execution from Execute Context menu.

  10. Once execution is completed, click the View Results link in the Manage Test Page tab.

  11. Click the Export to Xray icon in the Results Detail Page, and the user(s) now get an execution Jira key ID.

  12. When clicking on Jira key link, the user can see the Test execution page on the Jira app.