Sprint 36 Retrospective
Sprint #: 36
Date: Jun 10, 2024
GLAD Things that have worked very well and made team very happy | SAD Disappointments, things that has not worked as well as hoped | MAD Things that didn't work well wasted a lot of time |
| Zeleanium.
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Fixed Assigned Bugs | we should assign all the task to the appropriate dev when we are starting the sprint. | N/A |
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Glad that most of the bugs were fixed and tested properly | We have to follow Dev & Prod build deployments properly in Jira board for testing. also we need tickets for E2E, Regression testing aswell | Β |
-implemented the Selenium grid 4 and its working with chrome, Firefox and edge browsers and platform as Linux.
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-glad that our grooming calls are more effective and sprint follow is more efficient | -we could have set priority of the sprint tasks in more efficient way | -mad for not being able to contribute much to r&d on different gtp feature to be added and testing gtp robustly |
drag and drop functionality has been implemented | struck in service now issues | struck in service now issues |
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The team worked together and supported each other. | Add a reasonable number of issues in the sprint to avoid spillover. | Include only issues with a clear scope of work to avoid scope creep and extended work. Β |
We successfully completed major issues. | Try to complete issues within the given timeline. | Β |
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S.No | Action Items |
1. | Create and implement a test plan process in GTP for stories, tasks, and bugs. |
| Conduct end-to-end testing of GTP features, including regression testing. |
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